Sunday, June 7, 2009

Charles' Favourite Toys

Look, it's another post! Who woulda thunk it?

We thought it would be nice to show Charlie with a couple of his favourite 'toys'.

Like most babies/children in this consumerist world (I know, there is a lot of irony in this particular pair of parents commenting on the consumer led orientation of modern society), Charles is spoilt for choice when it comes to toys.  Friends and family have been generous at every opportunity (though we are still dreading the day that Suzie and Chris follow through on their promise to buy our first child a drum kit as revenge for the Chicken Dance Elmo we brought for Danielle many years ago) and we live just up the road from a toy library.

It always amuses us no end then that the 'toys' he returns to time and time again are the phone on Mum and Dad's bedside table and a wooden spoon that Sam made in high school woodwork (his talent shone bright but was brief) that Charles likes to hit against one of our pots. Toymakers everywhere would be horrified.

No comments are necessary on the artistic merits (or otherwise of the spoon)!

Just to prove that we do provide him with real toys occasionally, here is a picture of Charles on an electronic bike thing from the toy library. He was very funny on it at first, going into a state of absolute concentration that seemed to be neither panic nor enjoyment. Once he got used to it, he thought it was OK.

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