Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Catch-Up One

Whew, it has been a while. We have been hopeless in keeping this blog up to date. While we've had a lot on and Sam is much busier at work these days, that is no real excuse! We will try and do better. In the meantime, we have a few catch-ups to do. This is the first and dates back at least six weeks.

What happened? Charles crawled!! Wow, we are not sure who has found it a bigger adjustment, Charles or his suddenly much busier parents. Each milestone seems quite funny with Charles (and I am sure it is the norm for all). He masters a new trick and then seems to get on as if he has been doing it all his life. All of a sudden he can get somewhere under his own steam - and boy has he got places to go!

What is also amazing (to doting parents and grandparents anyway) is where he wants to go. When he first started crawling, his destination of choice was the bathroom where he would bypass everything and head straight to the low shelf where his bath toys are kept. When there, he would go straight for his Hairy Maclary bath book. He could obviously remember it from bath time and was quite fond of it.

Now he has been doing it for a while, the house is his oyster! It is hard to catch up with him sometimes.

Other than crawling, Charles also had a couple of colds in the last 6 weeks and that has been trying. For us that is. It amazes me how much sympathy can be heaped upon a baby with a sniffle while no recognition of the poor parents who sit up half the night for nights on end with the sick baby! I guess we get one day a year each.

Righto, we are aiming for one update a night for the next few nights.

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