Saturday, August 9, 2008

Can Noise Control Confiscate a Baby?

Oh boy, what a week.  Charles is struggling to get into a pattern with his sleeping.  Well, truth be told, he isn't really the one struggling.  I think he is happy as Larry staying awake all hours.  His parents on the other hand are certainly struggling.

On one side of us we think are neighbours who are students.  Or in a band.  Actually, we think they may be students who are in a band.  In any event, they are loud and they have loud friends. On some occasions they would make a great case study for one of those 'it's how we are drinking' ads. 

Well, on a couple of nights this week we have tried to get tough.  Charles really needs to learn that he shouldn't expect to go to sleep either latched on to Andrea or lying on his Dad's chest.  On each occasion it seems to turn into a battle of the wills, and I am constantly waiting for a knock at the door from noise control following complaints from our student neighbours that they can't hear their drum kit. Or their stereo.  Or each other (I'm not sure whether that would be such a loss).

What we would like is more of this

and less of this

Sorry, we don't yet have a photo (or, more appropriately, a recording) of him at full blast.  

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