Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Charles Meets Nana

Or Great Nana to him! We finally got him up to Orewa to meet his Nana and Great Uncle Neil (no photo sorry!). They got on really well so there may be another baby-sitting option. He's really easy, honest!

Truth be told, we think he knows when he is in the presence of others and he turns into a perfect angel. We took him to the rugby on Saturday and he slept all the way through. No-one from work believes me when I whine about how little sleep I get! Maybe he gets worried that we will leave him with them...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

You Can't Tell Me That's Wind!

Charles is worried that we may be starting to lose interest (we aren't really) and therefore thinks he needs a new trick to keep our attention.  Well, it is a pretty special one -  he can smile!!It is wonderful to get feedback and is actually quite emotional.  Newborn babies smile when they get wind, but this certainly isn't that.  If we choose our moments well, he can really beam up at us with this huge smile.

Mum gets them too (I didn't quite nail the focus, but you get the idea)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bath Time!

A short post tonight.  Here is a shot of Charles in the bath.  He seems to like the bath, though he is probably already too long for the one we have borrowed so far.  Do they even come in different sizes?  I guess we will find out shortly (so to speak).Charles insisted on the bar. He is surprisingly modest for one so young.

Also, continuing good news on the weight gain front (well, if you are a retailer of baby clothes at least).  Charles had a weigh in with the Paediatrician today and now weighs 4.27kg!  He has put on 570 grams in two weeks which is 200 grams above average.

What have we created??

Monday, August 11, 2008

Andrea's Secret Weapon

Andrea has a secret weapon which seems to be unbeatable at settling Charles!

Grandad Wilson is a regular visitor in the Moore household and Charles loves cuddles and being sung to.  Favourites so far include 'Shenandoah' (I googled it and got the name of an American National Park - I hope it isn't some subversive song) and 'Three Little Fishies' (I think that one is probably ok). 

Here is a lovely pic with Mum.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Can Noise Control Confiscate a Baby?

Oh boy, what a week.  Charles is struggling to get into a pattern with his sleeping.  Well, truth be told, he isn't really the one struggling.  I think he is happy as Larry staying awake all hours.  His parents on the other hand are certainly struggling.

On one side of us we think are neighbours who are students.  Or in a band.  Actually, we think they may be students who are in a band.  In any event, they are loud and they have loud friends. On some occasions they would make a great case study for one of those 'it's how we are drinking' ads. 

Well, on a couple of nights this week we have tried to get tough.  Charles really needs to learn that he shouldn't expect to go to sleep either latched on to Andrea or lying on his Dad's chest.  On each occasion it seems to turn into a battle of the wills, and I am constantly waiting for a knock at the door from noise control following complaints from our student neighbours that they can't hear their drum kit. Or their stereo.  Or each other (I'm not sure whether that would be such a loss).

What we would like is more of this

and less of this

Sorry, we don't yet have a photo (or, more appropriately, a recording) of him at full blast.