Charles Samuel Moore was born on 8 July 2008 at Auckland Hospital. He weighed 8lb 2oz and was three and a bit weeks early! Probably lucky given his size.
As most know, he decided to create a bit of drama to mark his entry into the world and spent his first three nights in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). He had a little trouble with his breathing and the doctors think he had a chest infection of some sort. The poor thing had to have IV antibiotics for seven days and it wasn't until 15 July that we finally got him home.
All seems to be much better now and he is progressing very well. He is really taking to breast feeding and is putting on weight. He does like his sleep though we'll see how long that lasts!
So far we have had two visits from the midwife team and they have been very reassuring of our rather rudimentary parenting skills.
Thank you to all who have been so generous in the last week and a bit. We have been blown away by people's generosity and also patience as we get ourselves sorted out. We are a little disorganised (to be fair we did think we had another three weeks to get sorted) at the moment, but we will send a personal thank out in the next week or so.
As is the point of these blogs, attached are a few photos from Charles' first week. We'll post a set with a little less of a medical theme next time!
We would really like to thank Lynda Batcheler and AOC and Simon Rowley and the staff at NICU (especially night nurse Kelly) and Auckland Hospital. Even though in the scheme of things Charles wasn't all that sick, it was a very stressful time and all concerned made a huge difference.
Thanks also to both of our families who have spent the last week and a bit running around after us and generally looking after us. We owe you.
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