Wednesday, September 17, 2008

For my latest trick!

All that hard work on the tummy time mat is paying dividends. Charles thinks he can already hold his own head up (though you do have to be careful as he tends to throw his entire body off balance rather regularly).

Good dedication to his training regime is paying off. We have no idea where he got that from - Sam has been to the gym exactly twice since he was born (Charles, that is!!  I know what you were all thinking)! Must be Mum's influence. Hopefully he gets her conscientious study habit later in life and makes it big.

The second photo is included as Sam insisted on taking his camera along to Charles' first cafe brunch with Evil Aunty No. 2 and her partner in crime (including sneaking an alternative lens into Andrea's handbag!). This was about the best we could do to catch the occasion. Being a city lad, it takes a lot to impress Charles when it comes to Auckland eateries and this establishment obviously didn't cut it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tummy Time

By popular demand, here are a couple of photos of Charles enjoying (or tolerating) tummy time!  As you can see, he is rather accomplished at it.

We don't think he is admiring himself in the mirror in that last photo, but something has obviously taken his fancy.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Couple of Aunties

Well, actually,....... technically,........ truth be told,......... there really is no denying,............

One of them may be a Great Aunty. Don't worry, we won't tell if you don't Great Aunty Karen!

Can anyone guess what happened about 30 seconds after this photo?